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Services & Locations

Some services include:doctor and boy

  • Routine eye health exam
  • Vision testing
  • Failed vision screenings
  • Drivers license testing
  • Treating red, burning, or itchy eyes
  • Treating bumps on eyelids
  • Remove objects that get into the eye
  • Detect eye diseases that are associated with diabetes, high blood pressure, macular degeneration
  • Detect cataracts
  • Monitor eye pressures for glaucoma

Many children* don't know that they can't see well enough.  Not every school performs vision screenings, so you may not know that your child needs glasses.  Some children are misdiagnosed as having behavioral problems when they just need to wear glasses.  It is a good idea to have an annual eye exam, even if you think you, or your children, see okay because many conditions of the eye can only be detected with a thorough eye exam.

*Please note - children 5 years old and up can be scheduled for routine exams.  Children under the age of 5 will be seen and evaluated, as needed, at the request of a parent or pediatrician for a specific condition.

Locations that offer Optometry Services:

Brandon Community Health Center (Tuesdays & Thursdays ONLY)

Plant City Family Care (Tuesdays & Thursdays ONLY)

Ruskin Community Health Center(Wednesdays & Fridays ONLY)

Tom Lee Community Health Center(Wednesdays & Fridays ONLY)

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